I believe the biggest problems facing our nation are hate and fear; and I do not think schools can prepare for every problem they encounter. The high school where I taught had a mock disaster. I was horrified; I do not believe that preparing for a possible school shooting is an effective deterrent. Schools do not teach students strategies for maintaining order and peace within our lives; and too many teachers look the other way when students are being harassed or bullied.
Schools can do more by teaching students to create a peaceful society. We can teach students to be reflective learners who think about the results of their actions. Students graduate from high school without knowing who they are or how to be in the world. They become fearful adults who don't know much about anyone else. In a society as diverse as the United States, many students know very little about the various cultures that are represented in their schools. Peace can be taught without a religious or political agenda. Teaching peace should not be about laws, the death penalty, or social resources to teach students about peace.
I love these website. he resources are relevant and meaningful:
The United States Institute of Peace (USIP) is a global, peacebuilding center. It is an independent, nonpartisan institution established by Congress to increase the nation’s capacity manage local and
international conflict without violence. Visit this web site to see what educators, students, and communities are doing to create and develop international peace initiatives.
Endowment of the United States Institute of Peace. (2012). United States Institute of Peace. Global Peacebuilding Center. Retrieved from http://www.buildingpeace.org/
These students banned Peace Studies. This article tells why.
Washington Post. (2006). Washington Post. Students Call for Banning of Peace Studies Class. Retrieved from
I feel encouraged in knowing that many educators feel the way I do.
Yes Magazine. (2013). Yes. Powerful Ideas, Practical Actions. Retrivieved fromihttp://www.yesmagazine.org/peace-justice/every-teacher-a-peace-teacher
Cortright, D. (2012). David Cortright, Peace Scholar, Teacher, Activitist. Retrieved from
This is a wonderful website for teaching peace in the classroom. There are resources for K-12, and it includes a PDF brochure for teaching peace.
Global Education Network (2006). Global Education Network. Educating for Peace. Retrieved from
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